Hi, I'm Dr. Wood.
I'm here to take care of your best friends.
Nothing is more rewarding to me than helping animals. I've been practicing veterinary medicine for over 40 years and I have a great deal of experience to offer you and your pets.
Over the years, after going on my own journey with learning the benefits of holistic medicine, I began looking to it to help my veterinary patients and I've had a great deal of success.
In many cases I've found holistic medicine to offer the safest, most affordable, and most effective solutions, so that's typically where I start. If your pet needs a more conventional treatment at any point, then I won't hesitate to provide those options (medications, surgery, etc.). Often times though, I find those solutions aren't needed with the proper knowledge of natural treatments.
It means so much to me that you’ve come to visit my website today. The fact that you're here means that you're doing your research and I really appreciate that. I hope you'll come visit me in person sometime soon with your pets. (Even if it's just to say hi and score a free treat!)
Warm regards,
Dr. Terry R. Wood, DVM
Dr. Wood on News 9
Dr. Wood on Natural Companions
Helping pets heal