The Importance of Walking Your DogWalking is an essential bonding experience that enhances the connection between us and our dogs. It's crucial to prioritize this daily.
Eastern vs. Western Medicine: An Overview for Pet ParentsLearn how to be more proactive than reactive about the health of yourself and your pets.
How Poor Nutrition Can Shorten the Lifespan of Your Pet (And What You Can Do About It)Your pet’s nutrition is the #1 thing you have control over and it’s the biggest preventative care measure you can address.
Healing Orthopedic Problems in Pets with Red Light TherapyThis is a treatment that gives my patients great results with little to no side effects. It’s like acupuncture, minus the needles.
The Importance of Supplementing Your Pet's Diet with MineralsEastern medicine says: if your patient gets sick, you’ve failed. Hence my avid focus on preventative care measures with minerals.
Why Your Pet Should Always Take Probiotics When Prescribed AntibioticsAntibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria. This can take a toll on your pet's health and I'm here to explain how probiotics can help.
Natural Allergy Care for Dogs and CatsPet allergies are so common, that a significant percentage of my practice is devoted to treating them. Today, I'm sharing all of my secrets.
Protect Your Pets with Organic Lawn CarePeople, animals, and plants: we’re all here on this planet together. Learn how taking of our soil will make us all healthier.
Why I Became a Holistic VeterinarianI’ve always had a strong bond with animals as far back as I can remember, but there’s one defining moment that helped me realize my calling.